ICCM Conferences, The 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017)

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Influence factors of teachers’ pro-industry teaching demand adjust Industry 4.0
Chun-Mei Chou

Last modified: 2017-05-13


This study examines 322 vocation teachers’ pro-industry teaching  demand and its influencing factors to serve as a school reference for adjust industry 4.0. The results show that teachers’ industry development has a significant direct effect on vocation teachers’ teaching  pro-industry demand, and pro-industry self-efficacy has a significant effect on  pro-industry teaching demand through industry development. The influence pattern and empirical data of pro-industry self-efficacy and industry development on  pro-industry teaching demand has a good fit. This will  serve as a reference for vocation schools’ encouragement of teacher professional development and industry need.

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