Call for Papers

Authors are invited to submit abstracts or papers of topics related to this conference. All abstracts and papers accepted for publication in the Presentation and Proceedings will be subject to a peer review. Papers submitted, peer-reviewed, and presented at the ICCM2017 will be included in the Proceedings online for open access. A number of papers will be selected and invited to be developed into a full journal paper for publication in special issues of one of the following international journals.

1)   International Journal of Computational Methods (IJCM)

2)   International Journal of Novel Ideas: Mathematics (IJNI-Math)

3)   International Journal of Novel Ideas: Computational Methodology (IJNI-CM)

4)   International Journal of Modern Mechanics (IJMM)

5)   International Journal of Mechanical Systems (IJMS)

6)   International Journal of Advanced Composites (IJAC)



Author Guidelines

1. Please download the Abstract and Paper templates (with instructions) here.

2. Unzip it and use the templates to produce your abstract/paper following the instructions precisely.

Submissions for this conference were closed on 2017-07-23.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.