Plenary Speaker & Thematic Plenary Speaker
Plenary: Mechanistic data-driven design of complex multiscale material systems | |
Wing Kam Liu |
Charbel Farhat |
Thematic Plenary: Large-Scale Collapse Analyses of Buildings and Motion Analyses of Non-Structural Components within Them | |
Daigoro Isobe |
Thematic Plenary: Ill-conditioning with C∞ radial basis functions and asymmetric collocation | |
Edward John Kansa |
Thematic Plenary: FSI simulation with coupled incompressible material point finite element method | |
Fan Zhang, Xiong Zhang |
Thematic Plenary: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Applications in Some Sediment Dispersion Problems | |
Nhan Phan-Thien |
Thematic Plenary: Damage and Failure in Natural Fibre Composites: A Multiscale Perspective | |
Shyam M. Panamoottil, Raj Das, Krishnan Jayaraman |
MS-000 General Papers
Hydromagnetic Nanofluids flow through porous media with thermal radiation, chemical reaction and viscous dissipation using spectral relaxation method | |
Sabyasachi Mondal, Precious Sibanda, Nageeb A.H. Haroun |
The implementation of multi-block lattice Boltzmann method on GPU | |
Ya Zhang, Guang Pan, Qiaogao Huang |
Analyzing and predicting the criteria pollutants over a tropical urban area by using statistical models | |
Sharadia Dey, Precious Sibanda, Srimanta Gupta, Arum Chakraborty |
Suspension stability analysis of soil along the metro lines impact by strong vibrations traffic load | |
Xiangfeng Lv |
The traffic jerk for the full velocity different car-following model | |
Yi Liu, Hongxia Ge, KL Tsui, KK Yuen, Siuming Lo |
Multi-patches based B-Spline method for Solid and Structure | |
Yanan Liu, Bin Hu |
Preserving Hyperbolicity in Stochastic Galerkin Method for Uncertainty Quantification | |
Zhenning Cai, Ruo Li, Yanli Wang |
Elevated temperature fatigue and failure mechanism of 2.5D T300/QY8911-IV woven composites | |
Jian Song, Haitao Cui |
Car-following model with considering vehicle’s backward looking effect and its stability analysis | |
Yunong Wang, Hongxia Ge, Siuming Lo, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Kwok-Keung Yuen |
A novel immersed boundary method for the strongly coupled fluid-structure interaction | |
Shang-Gui Cai |
An Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) Framework for the Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flow Problems | |
Mehmet Sahin, Cagatay Guventurk |
A computational methodology for predicting failure initiation from V-notch edges in 3D brittle elastic materials | |
Brigit Mittelman, Zohar Yosibash |
Investigating the mechanical behavior of the human oocyte: A computational study conducted in a clinical setting | |
elad priel, Tsvia Priel, Iris Har-Vardi |
Modeling and simulating methods for the desiccation cracking | |
Sayako Hirobe, Kenji Oguni |
Chemical Reaction, Heat and Mass Transfer on Unsteady MHD Flow along a Vertical Stretching Sheet with Heat Generation/Absorption and Variable Viscosity | |
Jatindra Lahkar |
Effective Properties Evaluation for Multifunctional Composite Materials | |
Aravind Chandrasekar, Ramesh Gupta Burela, Roghan Subramanian |
Reduction of Shock Capturing Error in Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for Hypersonic Flow Simulations | |
Eric Jishuan Ching, Yu Lv, Matthias Ihme |
A computational method for the identification of plastic zones and residual stress in elastoplastic structures. | |
Thouraya Nouri Baranger, Stéphane Andrieux |
Numerical study on tool design for free forming of large and thick plate with unstable blank support | |
Byeong-Kwon Kang, Mahn-Jung Yoon, Beom-Soo Kang, Taewan KU |
The numerical manifold method for two-dimensional transient heat conduction | |
Huihua Zhang |
Numerical analysis of optimum packing structure of particles on a spherical surface | |
Takuya Uehara |
Recursive Formulas, Fast Algorithm and Its Implementation of Partial Derivatives of the Beta Function | |
Huizeng Qin, youmin lu, Nina Shang |
Development of Total Integrated Analysis Technology for High-Pressure Automotive Fuel Pump | |
Norihiko Nonaka |
The transient of visco-elastic MHD fluid through Stoke’s Oscillating porous plate: an exact solution | |
Seismic Response of Structure under Soil-Structure Interaction Effect | |
Narith Prok |
Capacity of rectangular steel beams and their connections to carry loads through catenary action | |
Kyung-Jae Shin, Hee-Du Lee, Swoo-Heon Lee, So-Yeong Kim, Young-Joo Lee |
Phase field simulation of magnetization vortex in ferromagnetic nanomaterials | |
Jie Wang, Gui-Ping Li |
Frictional contact formulation with geometric and materials nonlinearities | |
Layla Amaireh, Ghadir Haikal |
Molecular communication in nano networks communication | |
Sidra Zafar, Mohsin Nazir, Aneeqa Sabah |
Small defining sets in n x n Sudoku squares | |
Ebadollah S Mahmoodian |
Cell Responses to Actively Rotational Nanoparticles: A Coarse-Grained Study | |
Xianqiao Wang, Liuyang Zhang |
Design of a Speed Adaptive Controller for DC Shunt Connected Motors using Neural Networks | |
Zeferino Damian Noriega, Ruben Tapia-Olvera |
Active Vibration Control of a Vehicle Suspension System Based on Signal Differentiation | |
Zeferino Damian Noriega |
Closed Loop Algebraic Parametric Identification of a DC Shunt Motor | |
Zeferino Damian-Noriega |
MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods
Keynote: Computing contact forces of elastic structure based on entropy in statistical physics | |
Zhaocheng Xuan |
Keynote: An Implicit Integrated Polyharmonic Splines Method for PDEs | |
Guangming Yao |
Keynote: The Cosserat Point Element (CPE) – A new approach for finite element formulation | |
Mahmood Jabareen |
Invited: Multi-model finite element approach for stress analysis of composite laminates | |
Umesh Naresh Band, Yogesh M Desai |
An innovative approach to computational simulation of the functional characteristics of poroelastic materials illustrated with diffusion into articular cartilage | |
Jamal Kashani, Lihai Zhang, Yuantong Gu, Adekunle Oloyede |
An Integrated Linear Reconstruction for Finite Volume Scheme on Unstructured Grids | |
Li Chen, Ruo Li |
Discrete asymptotic equations for long wave propagation | |
Stevan Bellec |
An isogeometric discontinuous Galerkin method for 2D Euler equations | |
Shengjiao Yu, Renzhong Feng, Tiegang Liu |
Continuous adjoint-based adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method | |
Huiqiang Yue, Tiegang Liu, Shaydurov Vladimir |
Dislocation Dynamics in polycrystals with atomistic-informed mechanisms of dislocation-grain boundary interactions | |
Nathaniel J. Burbery, Giacomo Po, Raj Das, W. George Ferguson, Nasr Ghoniem |
Towards Building a Robust Computational Framework to Simulate Multiphysics Problems - A Solution Technique for Simultaneous Three-Phase (Gas-Liquid-Solid) Interactions | |
Lucy T. Zhang, Chu Wang |
Modeling,Computation and simulaitn of non-linear soft-tissue interaction with flow dynamics with application to biological systems | |
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, Manal Badgaish |
Semilocal convergence of a parameter based iterative method for operator with bounded second derivative | |
Prashnath Maroju, Ramandeep Behl, S S Motsa |
Efficient family of sixth-order iterative methods for nonlinear models which require only one inverse Jacobian matrix | |
Ramandeep Behl, P Maroju, S S Motsa |
Axial Green's function Methods on Free Grids | |
Do Wan Kim |
Comparisons of Limiters in Discontinuous Galerkin Method | |
SU Penghui, HU Pengju, ZHANG Liang |
Multiscale Crystal Defect Dynamics Model and Simulation of Nanoindentation and Dislocation Nucleation | |
A cellular automata model for the dynamic behavior of carbon nanotubes | |
Xiaoqiao He |
MS-002 Advanced Computational Modelling of Fracture and Damage
Hui Zhang, Rena C. Yu, Shilang Xu |
FEM-based prediction of fracture during manufacturing of thick wall tubes from Inconel 718 alloy in reverse flow forming process | |
Andrij Milenin, Piotr Kustra, Maciej Pietrzyk, Nikolay Biba |
Modeling of Propagation of Multiple Cracks Using Peridynamics | |
Jiangming Zhao, Yu Sun, Fei Xu, Yijun Liu |
A Non-ordinary State-based Peridynamics implementation of Ceramic Material Brittle Fracture | |
Xin Lai, Lisheng Liu, Qiwen Liu |
Explicit modelling of fracture in fiber-reinforced cementitious composites | |
Hui Zhang, Zhenjun Yang, Shilang Xu |
Modelling of Hydrogen Assisted Stress Corrosion Crack Extension along Centerline of Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds | |
ISHWAR LONDHE, Surjya Kumar Maiti |
Thermomechanical Fracture Dynamics in Heterogeneous Media using Cohesive Zone Models. Application to Ageing of Concrete | |
Lionel Bichet, Frederic Dubois, Yann Monerie, Frederic Perales |
Discrete Particle Methods for Simulating High-Velocity Impact Phenomena | |
Martin Oliver Steinhauser |
Mesh-Size Sensitivity for Reinforced Concrete: a Case Study | |
Xiaodan Ren, Chengdong Yang |
Multiscale simulation of fracture pattern of tempered glass | |
Shingo Urata, Shaofan Li |
An approach to study hydraulic fracturing using a fully coupled SPH framework | |
Kai Pan, Ranjan Pramanik, Bruce Jones, Thomas Douillet-Grellier, Abdulaziz Albaiz, John Williams |
MS-003 Modelling and Simulation on Nanomechanics
Keynote: Interactions between Silk Fibroin and Graphene Substrate based on Molecular Dynamics Simulations | |
Yuan Cheng, Yong-Wei Zhang |
Molecular Dynamics Study on Wetting of Wrinkled Graphene | |
Chengpeng Huang, Yu Sun, Fei Xu |
A micromechanics-based parametric study on the electrical behavior of porous nanocomposites reinforced with carbon nanotubes | |
B.J. Yang, G.U. Ryu, H.K. Lee |
Interface constitutive and its impact on mechanical properties of magnesium-matrix ceramic particle reinforced nanocomposites | |
Xia Zhou, Shangyu Song, Xiaoxia Liu, Guohui Qu |
Complex normal form method for nonlinear free vibration of a cantilever nan-obeam with surface effects | |
Demin zhao |
MS-004 Computational Methods and Applications in Geoscience & Engineering
Identification and Computation of Space Conflicts Using Geographic Information Systems | |
Vijay Kumar Bansal |
Simulation and Experimental Validation of Mining Induced Bed Separation of Overlying Strata with Realistic Failure Process Analysis (RFPA) | |
guangming yu |
Reliability Analysis of Slope Stability using Monte Carlo Simulation and Comparison with Deterministic Analysis | |
Ravi Kumar Sharma |
Integrated multiscale modeling of fluid flow in shale: molecular-to-core scales | |
Farzam Javadpour |
Numerical study on effectiveness of continuum model box used in shaking table test under non-uniform excitation | |
Zhiyi Chen, Sunbin Liang |
An algorithm for simulation of large sliding contact with friction between domains modelled with finite element and material point methods | |
Andriy Andreykiv, Liang Jin Lim, Markus Burg, Ronald Bringreve |
High performance computing for liquefaction hazard assessment with statistical soil models | |
Jian Chen, Tomohide Takeyama, Hideyuki O-tani, Kohei Fujita, Muneo Hori |
Keynote: Application of spatial database modeling to seismic landslides hazard mapping with logistic regression model | |
Yu Huang, Jiamin Zhou, Miao Yu |
A Fully Coupled Finite Element/Finite Volume Method for the Massively Parallel Simulation of Hydraulically Driven Fractures in 3-Dimensions | |
Randolph R Settgast, Joshua A White, Chandrasekhar Annavarapu, Pengcheng Fu, Yue Hao, Fredrick J Ryerson, Joseph P Morris |
Scattered Data Fitting with Fourier Series | |
Uriel Octavio Moreles |
Efficient multi-domain bivariate spectral collocation solution for MHD laminar natural convection flow from a vertical permeable flat plate with uniform surface temperature and thermal radiation | |
Sicelo Praisegod Goqo, Sabyasachi Mondal, Precious Sibanda, Sandile Motsa |
Numerical study of the effects of strain rate on the behaviour of dynamically penetrating anchors in clay | |
Hassan Sabetamal, John P Carter, Majidreza Nazem, Scott W Sloan |
Computational models for design of concrete segments with symmetrical reinforcement bars under the action of bending moments and axial forces | |
Shouju Li |
Seismic behavior of a caisson type breakwater on non-homogeneous soil deposits composed of liquefiable layer under earthquake loading | |
Xiaohua Bao, Dong Su, Yanbin Fu, Feng Zhang |
Application of Bayesian Networks for Estimating Water Saturation | |
Rosa María Mariscal-Romero, Hector Benítez-Pérez, Ernesto Rubio-Acosta |
Novel 6-DoF dexterous parallel manipulator with CRS kinematic chains | |
MirAmin Hosseini |
MS-006 Computational Methods in Engineering
Keynote: Numerical studies of post weld heat treatment on residual stress of impeller | |
Zhao Zhang |
Keynote: Numerical Simulation of Singularly Perturbed Boundary Layer Problems | |
Manoj Kumar |
A case study of time step validation strategy and convergence method for oscillation numerical simulation in a heat transfer process | |
jia zhu, xiaohui zhang |
Stiffness Based Assessment of Masonry Arch Bridges | |
Pardeep Kumar |
Shape identification of steady-state viscous flow fields to prescribe flow velocity distribution | |
Eiji Katamine |
Computation of vadoze zone moisture profiles for successive irrigation scheduling | |
Vijay Shankar Dogra |
The LARED-Integration code for the numerical simulation of the whole implosion process of inertial confined fusion | |
HENG YONG, Lei chuan Zhai, Song Jiang |
Keynote: Analysis of time-dependent problems using a stable node-based smoothed finite element method | |
Cui Xiangyang, Li Guangyao |
A unified computational method of differential analysis for solving the Navier-Stokes equations. | |
Mike Joseph Mikalajunas |
Predicting stability of a prototype un-bonded fibre-reinforced elastomeric isolator by finite element analysis | |
Thuyet Van Ngo, Anjan Dutta, Sajal K. Deb |
A reliability optimization allocation method considering differentiation of functions Based on Goal Oriented method | |
Xiaojian YI, Huina MU, Peng HOU, Yuehua LAI |
Keynote: Stress/Displacement Field Calculation for Bolted Joint Based on State Space Theory | |
Sun qingchao |
Propagation properties of elastic waves in the 3D nacreous composite material | |
Sheng Zhang |
Simple method of approximate calculation of statically indeterminate trusses | |
Janusz Rębielak |
A generalized interfacial interaction model for prediction of mechanical behavior in bionanocomposite materials | |
Liqiang Lin, xiaowei Zeng, xiaodu wang |
Simulating Surface Tension of Oscillating Droplet with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics | |
Nowoghomwenma Noel Ehgiamusoe, Yeaw Chu Lee |
A high order finite volume solver for simulation of heat transfer in compressible flow from very low to intermediate Mach numbers | |
Carlos Jesus Romero Casado |
Examples of Non-commutative Groebner Bases to Plate Bending Analysis | |
Y. Jane Liu, Bruno Buchberger, Markus Rosenkranz, Alexander Maletzky |
Static calculations and structural design with application of principle of superposition | |
Janusz Rębielak |
Optimal sensors/actuators placement in smart structure using island model parallel genetic algorithm | |
Animesh Nandy, Debabrata Chakraborty, Mahesh S Shah |
An examination of multiplicity of steady states for two- and four-sided lid-driven cavity flows through an HOC scheme | |
Chitrarth Prasad, Anoop K Dass |
NURBS-Based Isogeometric Analysis for Thin Shell Problems Using Fortran implementation with the Penalty Method | |
Feng Chang, Weiqiang Wang, Yan Liu, Yanpeng Qu |
Analytical Study of Machining Patterns Effect on Brake Squeal | |
Taeksu Jung, Chongdu Cho |
Flow-excited vibration of a large-scale Axial-flow pumping station with steel flow passageways based on FSI | |
Hanyun Zhang |
The application of the GSM-CFD solver for the blood flow in carotid bifurcations | |
Tao Lin, Guirong Liu |
Explicit Methods in Quasi-Static Analyses of Rubber-Like Materials | |
Sebnem Ozupek, Volkan Yurdabak |
Optimization design of a fly wing UAV based on CFD simulation | |
Lizheng Yuan |
Adaptive Central-upwind Weighted Compact Non-linear Scheme with Increasing Order of Accuracy | |
Kamyar Mansour, Kaveh Fardipour |
MS-008 Parallel and other high performance computing in the solution of partial differential equations
Keynote: The DVS algorithms: General description and evidences that they are top for treating PDEs in highly parallelized computers. | |
Ismael Herrera, Iván Contreras |
Keynote: DVS Algebraic Developments and Critical Implementation Routes | |
Marian Lemus García, Ismael Herrera, Iván Contreras |
Invited: The DVS algorithms: Their broad applicability and required interfaces | |
Iván Contreras, Ismael Herrera, Marian Lemus |
Invited: Derived Vector Space method applied to a subsurface flow simulator | |
Guillermo Hernandez-Garcia, Marian Lemus-Garcia, Graciela Herrera, Ismael Herrera |
GPU-based numerical solution of thermal multiphase flow in porous media | |
Victor Leonardo Teja |
Extending a 3D Parallel Particle-In-Cell Code For Heterogeneous Hardware | |
Grischa Jacobs |
Development of Three-Dimensional Anisotropic Shell Analysis Based on Domain Decomposition Method for Space Vehicle Engine Nozzle | |
HyunShig Joo, SangJoon Shin, HaeSeong Cho, SeIl Kim |
Parareal Methods for Applications in Finance | |
Guillaume SALL |
MS-009 Computational Modelling of Multi-Uncertainty and Multi-Scale Problems
Consistency-driven Pairwise Comparisons Approach to Abandoned Mines Hazard Rating | |
Michael Soltys |
MS-010 Particle Based Methods
Keynote: Particle-Based Multiscale Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interactions Under Impact Loading | |
Zhen Chen |
Keynote: Projection-based particle methods - latest achievements and future perspectives | |
Abbas Khayyer, Hitoshi Gotoh |
Invited: Discrete Element Analysis of Macroscopic Granular Behaviors Using Elastic Contact Models of Rough Surfaces | |
Michael Davidson, Hailong Teng, Nikhil Mishra, Michael Faraone, Jae Chung |
Invited: Transfer and pouring processes of casting by smoothed particle hydrodynamic method | |
Tamon Suwa, Masaki Kazama, Keita Ogasawara, Yasuhiro Maeda, Hiroaki Ito |
Keynote: MPS-FEM Coupled Method for Interaction between Sloshing Flow and Elastic Structure in Rolling Tanks | |
Youlin Zhang, Decheng Wan |
An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization to detect the SNP Barcode for Breast Cancer Prediction | |
Cheng-Hong Yang, Yu-Da Lin, Li-Yeh Chuang |
Discrete Element Contact Stiffness of Granules with Rough Surfaces | |
Nikhil Mishra, Michael Faraone, Jae Chung, Hailong Teng, Dehua Yang, Michael Davidson |
Faster and Splitting-free Vorticity Redistribution | |
Matthias Kirchhart, Shinnosuke Obi |
Nonlocal fluid method for 2D underwater explosion | |
Qingsong Tu, Yumeng Hu, Shaofan Li |
A method to improve SPH contact interfaces for solid body modeling | |
Ryan Kupchella |
MS-011 Large Scale Coupled Problems and Related Topics
Keynote: The BDD-DIAG Preconditioner in Domain Decomposition Analysis for Magnetostatic Problems | |
Hiroshi Kanayama, Hongjie Zheng, Shin-ichiro Sugimoto, Masao Ogino |
Keynote: An efficient implementation of parallel Scaled-BDD method for large-scale structural analysis | |
Masao Ogino |
Invited: Efficient Computational Strategy for Finite Element Flow Analysis using Semi-Lagrangian Predictor | |
Yasushi Nakabayashi |
Finite element approach with unsteady bioheat equation for human skin burn injury | |
Abul Mukid Mohammad Mukaddes, Ryuji Shioya, Masao Ogino |
Performance evaluation of data compression methods in linear static and dynamic finite element analysis | |
LIJUN LIU, Masao Ogino |
Large-Scale Fluid-Structure Analysis for Tsunami Inundation into the Interior of a Building using MPS-FEM Coupling Method | |
Hongjie Zheng, Ryuji Shioya |
MS-012 Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for Complex Materials
Keynote: Multiscale constitutive models for particle composites as ‘non–simple’ continua | |
Patrizia Trovalusci |
A Two-scale Poroplasticity Approach to Soil Liquefaction Analysis | |
Majid T Manzari |
A Two-Step Homogenisation Method for Elastic Properties of Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) | |
ansam M qsymah |
Continuum modeling of biomolecular electrostatics and diffusion using FEM/BEM | |
Benzhuo Lu |
Numerical simulation of the grains growth on titanium alloy electron beam welding process | |
Xiaogang Liu |
MS-013 Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Mechano- Biology
Assigning Material Properties to Finite Element Models of Bone: A New Approach Based on Dynamic Behavior | |
Amir Ostadi Moghaddam, Mohammad J. Mahjoob, Ara Nazarian |
MS-014 Computational Modelling in Material Processing
Atomization of metal droplets in production of powder for 3D printing application | |
Taher M. Abu-Lebdeh, Sameer A. Hamoush |
Metallo-thermo-mechanical modeling of laser cladding for additive restoration of die steels | |
Wenyi Yan |
Simulation of thermoforming processes with anisotropic and visco-hyperelastic sheets of laminate | |
Peter G. Gruber |
Distortion Analysis for Stamping an Automotive Part with Advanced High Strength Steel Sheet | |
Fuh-Kuo Chen |
Using the Basic Math and the Drawing Software for Calculating the Length of Tube for a Cane of Personalized Dimensions | |
Zeferino Damian Noriega |
MS-015 Advanced Computational Methods in Underwater Acoustics
Keynote: Forward scattering of an acoustical Bessel beam by rigid structures using T-matrix method | |
Zhixiong Gong, Wei Li, Yingbin Chai, Yao Zhao |
Invited: An edge-based smoothed finite element method for the active vibration control of piezoelectric structures | |
Qifan Zhang, Wei Li, Xiangyu You |
Free vibration and sound radiation of the rectangular plates based on edge-based smoothed finite element method and application of elemental radiators | |
Xiangyu You, Wei Li, Yingbin Chai, Qifan Zhang |
MS-016 Reconstruction and Extrapolation of N-dimensional Data
Non-intrusive POD-based Simulation for Heat Diffusion Systems | |
Manyu Xiao, Guohua Zhang, Yufeng Nie |
MS-017 Modelling and Characterisation of Mechanical Behaviour of Advanced Materials
Keynote: Oxygen Diffusion and Its Coupling with Crystal Plasticity in a Nickel-Based Superalloy | |
Liguo Zhao |
Keynote: Simulation of Bioresorbable Scaffold and Metallic Stent Deployment in Concentric and Eccentric Coronary Lesion Models | |
Chad Abunassar |
Invited: Strain uncertainties in digital volume correlation of bone via clinical PedCAT CT: a feasibility study | |
Gianluca Tozzi, Martino Pani |
Invited: Cyclic plasticity simulations with yield surface distortion by ABAQUS | |
SHYUE-YUH LEU, K.C. Liao, C.W. Su |
The effect of stray grains on the mechanical behavior of nickel-based single crystal superalloy | |
Tang HaiBin, Guo HaiDing, Liu XiaoGang, Yang SiHui, Huang Li |
Hierarchical structure observation, size effect characterization and trans-scale modeling for biomaterials | |
Yueguang Wei |
Numerical Modelling of Mechanical Response of Fibrous Materials under Out-of-Plane Loading | |
Emrah Sozumert, Emrah Demirci, Memis Acar, Behnam Pourdeyhimi, Vadim V. Silberschmidt |
Experimental characterization and numerical simulation of Inconel 718 under large plastic deformation | |
Cutting force and friction characterisation of a valve seat cutting process involving p-cBN tools, an experimental and numerical analysis | |
James Fletcher, Emrah Demirci, Vadim V. Silberschmidt |
What matters the most in 3D printing is to be connected: proof from the simulation | |
Sofiane Guessasma, Sofiane Belhabib, Hedi Nouri |
Study on necking propagation of double network hydrogel | |
Isamu Riku, Koji Mimura |
MS-018 Application and theory of mesh-free methods engineering and scientific problems
Keynote: A fast block-greedy algorithm for quasi-optimal meshless trial subspace selection | |
Leevan Ling |
Computation and use of the Laurent series of the inverse in RBF-FD problems | |
Manuel Kindelan, Pedro Gonzalez-Rodriguez |
Development and application of the 3D-SPH surface erosion model to simulate multiple and overlapping impacts by angular particles | |
Xiangwei Dong, Zengliang Li |
Study on post-failure evolution of underwater landslide with SPH method | |
Yi An |
Three-dimensional analysis of functionally graded thermo-piezoelectricity problems by the local radial basis function collocation method | |
Hubert Hsueh-Hsien Lu, Der-Liang Young, Jan Sladek, Vladimir Sladek |
A Reduced Meshless Collocation Method for Partial Differential Equations on Irregular Domains | |
Alfa Heryudono |
A Localized Kansa's Method for Phonon Boltzmann Transport Equation in Six-Dimensional Space | |
Guangming Yao, Wen Li, Ming-C Cheng |
A Meshless Numerical Model with Flux Limiter for Two-dimensional Shallow Water Equations | |
Po-Wei Li |
Kernel-based Collocation Method for Deformable Image Registration Model | |
Anita Sze MUi Wong |
Using the enriched radial basis function in solving the singular sudden expansion incompressible fluid flow problem | |
Tak Sing Li |
MS-020 Computational Methods for Intelligent Systems
Simulation of the Interaction between Transportation Network and Power Grid Mediated by Electric Vehicles | |
Hideaki Uchida, Hideki Fujii, Shinobu Yoshimura |
MS-021 Computational Methods for Internet, networks and Security
Richard Hurley |
MS-022 Software Development and Coding Techniques
Perspective into Model-based Genetic Programming | |
Pei He |
MS-024 Computational Methods for Images, Graphics, and 4D-Data
3D Cloud Data and Triangle Faces Compressed by Novel Geometry Minimization Algorithm and Compared with other 3D formats | |
Mohammed M. Siddeq, Prof. Marcos A. Rodrigues |
New time-frequency representations based on the morphological pattern spectrum for bearing fault diagnosis | |
Jingwei Gao, Liang Tao, Min Zhang, Rui Zhang |
MS-025 Computational Methods for Business Operations
Newtonian Gravitational Force for predicting Distribution Centre Location of a Supply Chain Network | |
Gbolasere Amidu A. Akanmu, Frank Z Wang |
The Effects of Quality and Shortages on the Economic Production Quantity Model in a Two-Layer Supply Chain | |
Abdul-Nasser El-Kassar |
MS-026 Numerical Modelling of Composite Structures Subjected to Extreme Loading Conditions
Damage and failure prediction in Alumina Tri-Hydrate/Epoxy core composite sandwich panels subjected to impact loads | |
morada Ghodratollah, Aymen Marouene, Rim Ouadday, Aurelian Vadean, Rachid Boukhili |
MS-027 Computational Methods for Sound and Vibration
A spectral element analysis of sound transmission through metallic sandwich plates with adhesively-bonded corrugated cores | |
Hao sen Yang, Heow-Pueh Lee, Hui Zheng |
Keynote: Design of Sonic Crystal Windows for meeting the Trio Challenges of Providing Natural Ventilation, Daylight and Noise Mitigation | |
Heow-Pueh LEE |
Non Linear Strain Integral Damping (S.I.D.) | |
ugo alfredo Tornar |
Phononic band structure analysis of SH waves in nanoscale multilayered piezoelectric structures using radial basis function method with imperfect interface | |
Zhizhong Yan, Chunqiu Wei, Chuanzeng Zhang |
Modeling Complex Dynamical Systems in MF Range Combining FEM and Energy Methods | |
Gerard Borello |
Numerical Simulation of Sound Attenuation by Sonic Crystals | |
Kian Meng Lim, Heow Pueh Lee, Boo Cheong Khoo |
Prediction of the bending behavior of natural fiber composites based on multi-scale FEA analysis | |
Yucheng Zhong, Tran Le Quan Ngoc, Umeyr Kureemun, Heow Pueh Lee |
An Application of the Method of Groebner Bases to a Geometrically Non-linear Free Vibration Analysis of Composite Plates | |
Aravind Shanmugasundaram, Y. Jane Liu, John Peddieson |
Vibration localization and snaking phenomenon in friction-excited cyclic symmetric oscillators chains | |
Antonio Papangelo |
MS-028 Phase-field Method: Theory, Algorithm and Application
Keynote: Phase-Field Method of Li Dendrite Formation during Electrodeposition | |
Lei Chen |
Modeling and simulation of three-component flows on solid surface | |
Yi SHI |
MS-029 Methods for Multi-Phase Flows
Keynote: A Numerical Study of Compressible Two-Phase Flows Shock and Expansion Tube Problems | |
Dia Zeidan |
Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method in solving compressible two-medium flow | |
Haitian Lu, Ning Zhao |
Artificial viscosity based on the subcell-edged approximate Riemann solver | |
Chuanlei Zhai |
Droplet impact and evaporation on a porous surface | |
Gihun Son |
An Interpolative Particle Level Set Method | |
Lindsay Crowl Erickson |
Multiphase Flows of N (N>=2) Immiscible Incompressible Fluids: Physical Formulation and Numerical Algorithm | |
Suchuan Dong |
A Second Order Self-Consistent IMEX Method for Multi-Phase Flow Problems | |
Samet Y Kadioglu |
Euler-Lagrangian Simulation of Multiphase Plumes in Stratified Flows | |
Ruo-Qian Wang, Rui Sun, Heng Xiao |
MS-030 Computational Acoustics and Elastodynamics in Solids and Structures
Keynote: An Efficient Method for Simulating Free Waves in Multiferroic Laminates | |
Weiqiu Chen |
Keynote: Dynamic crack analysis of fiber reinforced piezoelectric composites by a Galerkin BEM | |
Michael Wünsche |
Invited: Analysis of magnetoelectric effect in mulitferroic nano-laminate with flexoelectricity | |
Chunli Zhang |
Invited: Acoustic simulation using a gradient-weighted finite element method | |
Gang Wang, Xiangyang Cui, Guangyao Li |
Design of porous phononic crystals with combined band gaps | |
Yang Fan LI, Xiaodong Huang, Shiwei Zhou |
Transition of buckling patterns and its effects on elastic wave propagation in lattice structures | |
Yilan Huang, Ronghao Bao, Weiqiu Chen |
MS-033 Fluid-Structure Interaction and Multiphysics Problems in Aerospace Engineering
Investigation of the Satellite Attitude Control System Performance Using as Actuator Reaction Wheels | |
Luiz Carlos Gadelha Souza |
Seismic resistance for high-rise buildings using water tanks considering the liquid - tank wall interaction | |
Bui Tuong |
Development of Integrated Fluid-Solid Interaction Models for Parametric Aeroelastic Analysis | |
Pankaj Kumar, Nishant Mishra, Praveen Laws, Santanu Mitra |
MS-034 Multiscale Modelling of Advanced Engineering Materials and Structures
Analytical Investigation on removable reduced link sections for EBFs | |
Daniel Yeshewawork Abebe, Gyumyong Gwak, Sijeong Jeong, Jaehyouk Choi |
Analytical Investigation on Hysteretic Characteristics of Buckling Resistance Steel Damper | |
SI JEONG JEONG, Daniel Y. Abebe, Gyu-myong Gwak, Jaehyouk Choi |
Multi-scale modeling using the dual domain material point method combined with molecular dynamics | |
Tilak Raj Dhakal |
MS-036 Numerical methods for structural dynamics, control and health monitoring
Keynote: A Novel Fast Model Predictive Control with Actuator Saturation for Large-Scale Structures | |
Haijun Peng, Fei Li, Sheng Zhang, Biaosong Chen |
Invited: Damage Location Identification of Simply Supported Steel Truss Bridge Based on Displacement | |
Shaopu Yang, Jianying Ren, Shaohua LI |
Analysis of the first modal shape using case studies | |
Alexandre de Macêdo Wahrhaftig |
Gust effect factors and natural sway frequencies of trees for wind load estimation | |
Seung-Hoon Shin, Il-Min Kang, Seong-Geun Park, Yu-Hyun Lee, Kyung-Jae Shin, Whajung Kim, Hongjin Kim |
Stability Investigation of Direct Integration Algorithms Using Lyapunov-Based Approaches | |
Study on Collapse Mechanism and Stability Technology of Furrow Pit High Slope | |
Ying Qin |
MS-037 Multilevel direct and iterative solvers for linear systems: theory and applications
Keynote: Multigrid Reduction in Time: A flexible and scalable approach to parallel-in-time | |
Jacob B Schroder |
A fast approximate hierarchical solver for dense linear systems | |
Pieter Coulier, Hadi Pouransari, Eric Darve |
Using low-rank approximation techniques for engineering problems. | |
Julie Anton, Cleve Ashcraft, Pierre L'Eplattenier, Roger Grimes, Francois-Henry Rouet, Clément Weisbecker |
Multilevel Variable-Block Schur-Complement Based Preconditioning on Accelerators | |
Bruno Carpentieri, Masha Sosonkina, Jia Liao |
Application of Task Parallel Direct Solvers in Domain Decomposition Preconditioners | |
Clark Dohrmann |
HiCMA: Hierarchical Computations on Manycore Architectures library | |
Hatem Ltaief |
Multilevel Hierarchical Solvers for Sparse Linear Systems | |
Kai Yang, Eric Darve, Hadi Pouransari |
MS-038 Computational Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal Tissues
Prediction of contact stress distribution after periacetabular osteotomy by finite element contact analysis | |
Xian Chen, Taro Mawatari, Fei Jiang, Junji Ohgi |
MS-039 Advanced Computational Methods for Soft Matters
A parametrically time-dependent Boundary Element approach for reciprocating contact mechanics between viscoelastic solids | |
Carmine Putignano |
MS-040 Multi-scale Computational Mechanics for Heterogeneous Materials
On a numerical DEM-based approach for assessing thermoelastic properties of composite materials | |
Willy Leclerc |
Concurrent Multiscale Modeling of Microstructural Eects on Localization Behavior in Finite Deformation Solid Mechanics | |
Coleman Alleman |
Numerical analysis on the reliability of characterizing dynamic mechanical properties of metal foam by SHPB test | |
Liqun Tang |
Development of a cellular automaton for a better consideration of neighborhood effect in polycrystals - Comparison with finite element method | |
Remy Bretin |
MS-041 Advances in Simulation for Marine and Offshore Applications
Keying process of OMNI-Max anchor in undrained NC clay | |
Jun Liu |
Particle Simulation considering the Sand-Scale-Effect for Scour behind the Breakwater due to Tsunami with Hydraulic Experiment | |
Kojiro Suzuki |
Flow simulation around a rotating propeller with dynamic overset grid approach | |
Hiroshi KOBAYASHI, Kunihide Ohashi |
Dynamic Analysis of Heat Exchanger Piles for Offshore Wind Turbines | |
Arundhuti Banerjee |
MS-042 Recent Advances In Meshfree and Particle Methods
Keynote: Numerical Analysis of Flooding using Explicit Moving Particle Simulation | |
Seiichi Koshizuka |
An ALE particle method using WENO interpolation | |
Fangyuan Hu, Seiichi Koshizuka |
A 3-D Meshfree Numerical Model to Analyze Cellular Scale Shrinkage of Different Categories of Fruits and Vegetables during Drying | |
Charith Malinga Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage, Helambage Chaminda Prasad Karunasena, Yuan Tong Gu, Lisa Guan, Jasmine Banks, Wijitha Senadeera |
Particle Method Simulation of Wave Impact on Structures | |
Min Luo, Chan Ghee Koh |
Keynote: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for elastic-plastic analysis –Application of multi-linear constitutive equation- | |
Seiya Hagihara |
MS-043 Modeling and Simulation of Cellular Migration: from Molecules to Multiple Cells
Keynote: Computer simulation of cellular shape based on elastic deformation | |
Ken-ichi Tsubota |
Keynote: The Effects of Microgrooved Structures on Cell shape and Actomyosin Organization | |
Hiromi Miyoshi, Miki Nishimura, Yutaka Yamagata, Hao Liu, Yasuyoshi Watanabe, Michiko Sugawara |
Invited: Rheotaxis of a sperm cell in shear flow near an infinite plane wall | |
toshihiro omori |
Anomalous diffusion and FRAP dynamics in the random comb model | |
Santos B. Yuste, Enrique Abad, Artur Baumgaertner |
MS-044 Advances in the BEM and Other Related Mesh-Reduction Methods
Keynote: The Integrated Unit Method in BEM Analysis of Spatially Periodical Structures | |
Xiao-Wei Gao |
Keynote: An Accelerated Grid-based BEM for Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic Problems | |
Yani Deng, Wenjing Ye, Leonard Gray |
Invited: Three-dimensional meso-scale modelling of concrete using a finite element-scaled boundary finite coupled method | |
Yujie Huang, Zhenjun Yang, Guohua Liu |
Estimates of the coefficients in the BEM matrices for 3-D potential problems | |
Yijun Liu |
A new BEM for solving multi-medium transient heat conduction | |
Weizhe Feng, Kai Yang, Haifeng Peng, Xiaowei Gao |
An Overview of Numerical Methods | |
GR Liu |
MS-045 Knowledge Based Artificial Intelligence Applied To Computer Aided Engineering
Keynote: Automatic Programming Via Text Mapping To Expert System Rules | |
Pedro Vicente Marcal |
A Domain Language for Constructive Block Topology for Hexa Mesh Generation | |
Robert Rainsberger |
Model Free Deep Learning With Deferred Rewards For Maintenance Of Complex Systems | |
Alan DeRossett, Pedre V Marcal |
MS-046 Smoothed Finite Element Methods: Theory and Applications
Seyoung Im, Seungmin Jin, Jungdo Kim, Hobeom Kim, Chan Lee |
Performance Evaluation of Various Smoothed Finite Element Methods with Tetrahedral Elements in Large Deformation Dynamic Analysis | |
Ryoya IIDA, Yuki Onishi, Kenji Amaya |
An Average Nodal Pressure Face-based Smoothed Finite Element Method (FS-FEM) for 3D nearly-incompressible solids | |
Chen Jiang |
A cell-based smoothed finite element method for free vibration analysis of a rotating plate | |
chaofan du |
MS-047 Innovative Techniques and their Applications to Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
Keynote: Study of Airfoil Leading Edge Separation Control Using Pulsed Nanosecond Plasma Actuator | |
Boo-Cheong Khoo, Jianguo Zheng |
Keynote: A Variational Positivity Preserving Technique for Detached Eddy Simulation and Fluid-Structure Interaction | |
Rajeev Kumar Jaiman |
Modeling of blood rheology by modified Immersed Finite Element Method with an adhesive contact mechanics formulation | |
Xiang Liu, Sheng Li Liu, Wen Qi Liu |
Jairo F. Useche |
MS-048 Advances in Numerical Methods for Multiple Inclusion Problems
Keynote: Interaction of SH waves with various types of multiple multilayered anisotropic inclusions using parallel volume integral equation method | |
Jungki Lee |
MS-049 Computational errors and their evaluation, from theory to engineering practice
Keynote: A general rule for the effect of arbitrary damping on the numerical stability of time integration analyses | |
Aram Soroushian |
Interval-based analysis and word-length optimization of non-linear systems with control-flow structures | |
Juan Antonio Lopez Martin |
MS-050 Multiphysics Computation and Applications
Keynote: Equilibrium Morphology of Misfit Particles in Elastically Stressed Solids under Chemo-Mechanical Equilibrium Conditions | |
Jianmin Qu |
Keynote: Accelerated multi-temporal scale approach to fatigue failure prediction | |
Rui Zhang, Lihua Wen, Jinyou Xiao, Dong Qian |
Florian Bernard, Alexia de Brauer, Angelo Iollo, Thomas Milcent, Haysam Telib |
An Euler-Lagrange Approach to Model the Dynamics of Particulate Phase Exposed to Hot Gas Injection into Packed Bed Reactors | |
Edder Jose Rabadan Santana, Bernhard Peters |
Modeling of a Blast Furnace with Both CFD and Thermodynamics Principles | |
Sheldon X. Wang, Tomas Grejtak |
Numerical Simulation of Raceway Formation in Blast Furnace | |
Chenn Zhou |
Numerical instability of staggered electromagnetic and structural coupled analysis using time integration method with numerical damping | |
Tomoya Niho, Tomoyoshi Horie, Junpei Uefuji, Daisuke Ishihara |
Tuning the wettability of nanoporous materials for active fluidic control | |
Yahui Xue, Xiying Li, Huiling Duan |
MS-051 Direct Methods: Computations and Applications
Keynote: The equilibrium cell-based smooth finite element method for shakedown analysis of structures | |
Canh Le |
An Assessment of the Lanczos-based Algorithm to Improve the Determination of Distance Distributions by Pulsed Dipolar ESR Spectroscopy | |
Yun-Wei Chiang |
A comprehensive numerical simulation of steel-concrete composite beam incorporating compression failure of concrete | |
Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Tomoshi Miyamura, Makoto Ohsaki |
MS-052 Numerical Methods in Financial Engineering and Risk Management
Efficient computation of the tangency portfolio by linear programming | |
Wlodzimierz Ogryczak |
MS-054 Failure and instabilities in soft materials and geomaterials
Keynote: Micro-mechanical constitutive formulation of strain-induced crystallization in soft rubber-like materials | |
Reza Rastak, Christian Linder |
Keynote: An assumed enhanced strain method for modeling hydraulic fracture propagation | |
Joshua Alexander White, Wei Wang |
Keynote: An unified variational eigen-erosion framework for interacting fracture and compaction band in brittle porous media | |
Kun Wang, WaiChing Sun |
A stabilized equal order finite element method for coupled diffusion and large deformation of hydrogels | |
Nikolaos Bouklas, WaiChing Sun |
MS-055 Structural uncertainty analysis and design
Sequential Stochastic Response SurfaceMethod using Moving Least Square based Sparse Grid for Efficient Reliability Analysis | |
Amit Kumar Rathi, Sudhi P V Sharma, Arunasis Chakraborty |
Reliability-based design optimization using step length adjustment algorithm | |
Ping Yi |
MS-056 Modeling and Characterization of Nanocomposites
The extended Timoshenko beam element in finite element analysis for the investigation of size effects | |
Dingjie Lu |
MS-057 Advanced modelling and simulation of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems
Keynote: Large time steps in the explicit formulation of transient heat transfer problems | |
Eric Li, ZC He |
High-order algorithms for nonlinear problems and numerical instability | |
José Elias Laier |
parameters of bowel movement | |
omar kamel alqatrawi |
A fundamental study for the beat phenomenon in metal nanowires | |
Zhuoqun Zheng, Xu Xu |
Research on testability modeling and health monitoring of aircrafts | |
Lijun Song, Shigang Zhang |
MS-058 Computational Methods for Model Reduction and its Engineering Applications
A hybrid POD-CFD approach for gust computations | |
Michel Bergmann, Andrea Ferrero, Angelo Iollo |
MS-060 CFD of turbulence for applied, industrial, or environmental flows
Keynote: Simulation of wave effects on turbulence | |
Lian Shen, Anqing Elliott Xuan, Tao Cao |
Keynote: Application of Agglomeration Multigrid Method in GSM-CFD Solver | |
Jianyao Yao |
Keynote: LES of oscillating boundary layers under surface cooling | |
Andres Tejada-Martinez |
Invited: Self-propulsive Simulation of ONR Tumblehome using Dynamic Overset Grid Method in OpenFOAM | |
Jianhua Wang, Decheng Wan |
Numerical Validation and Analysis of the Semi-submersible Platform of the DeepCwind Floating Wind Turbine based on CFD | |
Ke Xia, Decheng Wan |
Numerical Study on Ship Motion Coupled with LNG tank Sloshing Using Dynamic Overset Grid Approach | |
Yuan Zhuang, Decheng Wan |
Jianlong Chang |
Research on complex hydrodynamic interaction when UUV recovered by submarine | |
Luo Yang |
Numerical investigation of different tip clearances effect on the performance of Pumpjet Propulsor | |
Qin Denghui |
Large-Eddy Simulation of Porous-Like Canopy Forest Flows Using Real Field Measurement Data for Wind Energy Application | |
Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Flows by SST Model with An Algebraic Distance | |
Hongwei Zheng |
MS-061 Structural optimization methods and applications
Keynote: An Improved Method of Continuum Topology Optimization Subjected to Frequency Constraints Based on Indenpendent Continuous Topological Variables | |
Hongling Ye, W. W. Wang, Y.K. Sui |
Keynote: Topology optimization of multi-material structures with interface strength constraints | |
Zhan Kang, Pai Liu |
Hull form optimization based on a NM+CFD integrated method for KCS | |
Aiqing Miao, Decheng Wan |
Designing photonic crystals with complete band gaps | |
Fei Meng, Shuo Li, Baohua Jia, Xiaodong Huang |
Optimal design of a fiber reinforced membrane | |
Mirza Cenanovic, David Samvin, Kaveh Amouzgar, Anders Klarbring |
A model-based optimization approach for ultrasonic transducers for selective guided wave generation in complex media | |
Pawel Packo, Mateusz Miszczynski, Paulina Zbyrad, Tadeusz Stepinski, Tadeusz Uhl, Jerzy Lis |
Application of a grey-based Taguchi method for optimizing calendering process | |
Sang Hoon Lee, Sangyoon Lee |
Design of acoustic metamaterial using level set-based topology optimization | |
Yuki Noguchi, Takayuki Yamada, Takashi Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Izui, Shinji Nishiwaki |
Topology Optimization of Nanoscale Heat Conduction with the Boltzmann Transport Equation | |
Kozo Furuta, Kazuhiro Izui, Mitsuhiro Matsumoto, Takayuki Yamada, Shinji Nishiwaki |
Optimization of stiffened composite plate using adjusted different evolution algorithm | |
Thuan Lam-Phat, Son Nguyen-Hoai, Vinh Ho-Huu, Trung Nguyen-Thoi |
Topology Optimization of the Interior Structure of Blades with Optimized Outer Surface by External Flows | |
GR Liu |
MS-062 Advanced Modeling and Simulation for Dynamics and Control
Keynote: Numerical modeling of non-Fourier thermal damage with time-dependent laser heat source | |
wenhua wu |
Invited: The thermal induced vibration analysis of tethered solar power satellites on the geo-synchronous orbit | |
Zhiqin Cai, Lijun Zhao, Jinying Wu |
Invited: A new pattern for controlling pressure in earth chamber in shield tunneling and its experimental investigation | |
ying feng, Shouju Li, zichang shangguan |
An original DEM bearing model with electromechanical coupling | |
charles machado, Stéphanie Baudon, Mohamed Guessasma, Valéry Bourny, Jérôme Fortin, Robert Bouzerar, Paul Maier |
Finite Element Simulation of the Device CAR1 on Braced Frames | |
Magdalini Titirla |
MS-063 Computational modelling for environmental and water resources engineering applications
Keynote: Large Eddy Simulations of Stratified Engineering Turbulence | |
Adrian Wing-Keung Law |
Keynote: Tuning water transport in graphene layers via channel morphology modification | |
Bo Liu, Renbing Wu, Adrian Wing-Keung Law, Xi-Qiao Feng, Kun Zhou |
Computational Hydraulic Modeling with UPC Architecture | |
Tung T. Vu, Adrian Wing-Keung Law |
Pore-scale simulation of granular filtration flows | |
Adrian Wing-Keung Law, Alvin Chew |
Keynote: Implementation of the Parareal Algorithm to Optimize Nanoparticle Transport in Porous Media Simulation | |
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, Akhil Waghmare |
MS-064 Structural damage by internal/external explosion
Keynote: A simulation strategy for prediction of debris due to internal explosion of an earth-covered magazine | |
Sau Cheong Fan |
Keynote: Modelling of residual capacity of slabs damaged by combined impact and blast loading | |
Paolo Del Linz |
Numerical Simulation for Combined Blast and Fragment Effects on RC slabs | |
Shengrui Lan |
Concepts of Coupled FEA-CFD Analyses for Vehicle Structures under High-Pressure Shock Compression | |
Arash Ramezani |
Simplified nonlinear progressive collapse analysis of steel moment frames considering floor slab effects | |
Seonwoong Kim |
MS-065 Inverse problems in Engineering
Heat flux identification using reduced model and the adjoint method. Application to a brake disk rotating at variable velocity | |
Sylvain CARMONA, Yassine ROUIZI, Olivier QUEMENER, Frédéric JOLY |
Minimum volume of the longitudinal fin with rectangular and triangular profile by a modified Newton-Raphson method | |
Quan Nguyen, Son Hoai Nguyen, Tuan Quoc Nguyen |
Computational inverse method of fatigue dissipated energy parameters under fatigue dynamic damage | |
Yuan LI |
A numerical solution on inverse fuzzy convection-diffusion heat transfer problem | |
Ruifei Peng, Haitian Yang |

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